Fiat Gas Engine With Multi-point Electronic Injection + Gearbox - Electrical

Fiat Gas Engine With Multi-point Electronic Injection + Gearbox - Electrical

Product Code: TechnicalLab0255

Tender Specification Details

Fiat Gas Engine With Multi-point Electronic Injection + Gearbox - Electrical
This product is a cut-away of a FIAT gas engine with multi-point electronic injection and a gearbox. The engine operates electrically at 120 volts and runs at a reduced speed to let the student easily understand and observe the operation of the various mechanical parts. It is mounted on a stand with wheels.
4 in-line cylinders
Displacement: 1250 cc
Overhead camshaft
Electronic ignition
Multi-point electronic injection
Gearbox with 5F + R + differential
Operates electrically at 120V
Mounted on a stand with wheels

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We are leading manufacturers, suppliers & exporters of Fiat Gas Engine With Multi-point Electronic Injection + Gearbox - Electrical. Contact us to get high quality designed Fiat Gas Engine With Multi-point Electronic Injection + Gearbox - Electrical and Lab Education & Training Products for schools, colleges, TVET, universities, training laboratory, research lab, hospital and medical lab and various Industrial Laboratory Training Program. We accept bulk orders for government tenders in all countries around the globe.

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